
ASVAB Test Prep Program

Get A Higher Score On The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Exam.

Every day about 2,500 candidates take the ASVAB test. Only the best prepared pass this test. 100% of FPLA ASVAB trained test takers successfully passed this exam. Ensure your success with FPLA ASVAB tutoring.

Why Do You Need To Prepare For The ASVAB Test?

Every day about 2,500 candidates take the ASVAB test. That is about 75,000 per month and 900,000 test takers per year. Only the best prepared pass this test.

US Army targets to recruit about 60,000 men and women per year. However, it recruits only about 45,000 per year, because 25% of the test takers do not pass this exam. In simple terms ¼ candidates do not pass this test. You can ensure you fall in the successful candidates list by taking ASVAB prep help.

100% of FPLA ASVAB trained test takers successfully passed this exam. Ensure your success with FPLA ASVAB tutoring.


Since 1998, our successful ASVAB test preparation classes and online one-on-one tutoring have helped many aspiring candidates earn high scores on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) and successfully enlist to serve our great nation. High school students in their junior and senior years, as well as technical, career, or community college students, are eligible to take this test. There are no set dates to take this test, and individuals may schedule their test when they feel ready. If you are interested in learning more about our ASVAB test preparation services, don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation.

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Online 1-on-1 Tutoring


FPLA - ASVAB Test Prep Program

ASVAB tests your aptitude and thereby suitability to the best career options in the US military. You do not pass or fail this exam. Instead, higher scores will give a head start, determine your rank or position within the different military branches.

Arithmetic Reasoning (AR), Word Knowledge (WK), Paragraph Comprehension (PC), and Mathematics Knowledge (MK) form the basic quartet to enroll into the defense services. Collectively, these four sections are referred to as the AFQT (Armed Forces Qualifying Test). The military recruiters use the AFQT score to determine the preparedness of potential candidates. So, these are the four critical areas to study to earn a higher score and thereby higher rank within the different military branches.

FPLA – ASVAB test prep program will prepare you in these four critical sections that constitute AFQT. All the sections evaluate your subject knowledge at high school level. So, if you have maintained 3.0 or above GPA, you are well prepared to take this test. In such cases, we will teach you the effective test taking strategies.

Arithmetic Reasoning

This section tests your ability to solve text based mathematical problems. You should be able to identify the question, convert it to a mathematical formula, and solve the problem.

Word Knowledge

This section tests the vocabulary skills. You must have strong command over the language. It is not necessary to know the meaning of all the words. You should be able to derive contextual meaning, misspelled words, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms, heteronyms etc.

Paragraph Comprehension

The purpose of this section is to evaluate your proficiency in reading comprehension. There are some basic techniques that will help you successfully answer this section.

Mathematics Knowledge

You should have basic knowledge of the order of operations, exponents, simple geometry (circles, triangles, rectangles), fractions, percentages and interest, factorials, different types of numbers (real numbers, integers, rational numbers, prime numbers, etc.)


At FPLA, we are proud to have helped Nathan, a recent high school graduate from South Texas, achieve his dream of serving in the Air Force. When Nathan first took the ASVAB, his score of 32 seemed to be standing in the way of his goal. But with the help of our one-on-one tutoring and customizable lessons, Nathan was able to improve his score to 62 and was accepted into the Air Force. We are pleased to have played a role in Nathan's success and are excited to watch him thrive as he begins his military career in the Air Force.

I was able to double my score with the help of tutoring from Full Potential Learning Academy. When I first took the ASVAB, I received a score of 32, but after the tutoring, I received a score of 62. My improvement was so dramatic that people couldn't believe it.

- Nathan

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Qualified Expert Tutors


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Customized Lesson Plans


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Online 1-on-1 Tutoring


Choose Your Plan

Choose the ASVAB Test Prep Option That Meets Your Needs: 1-on-1 Private Tutoring with FPLA-Certified Tutors Starting at $45/hr.

Take a Free Demo. No Credit Card Is Required.

Save $150



Price $750



Prepare For The BIG Test

  • One Convenient Payment
  • FPLA - Certified Tutors
  • 2.5 Weeks
  • 5hr of Math
  • 5hr of Language
  • 1hr/day;4 days/week;
    (10 days)
  • 2 Practice Exams
  • Overview of the test
  • Teach Test Taking Strategies
  • Practice, Review, Feedback
  • Registration Fee (Regularly $50) - FREE
  • Test Administration Fee (Regularly $75) - FREE

Save $1000



Price $3,000



Success Guaranteed

  • Two Convenient Payments ($1000 X 2)
  • FPLA - Certified Tutors
  • 10 Weeks
  • 20hr of Math
  • 20hr of Language
  • 1hr/day; 4 days/week;
     (40 days)
  • 2 Practice Exams
  • Overview of the test
  • Teach Test Taking
  • Strategies, Teach Subject Content
  • Practice, Review, Feedback
  • Registration Fee (Regularly $50) - FREE
  • Test Administration Fee (Regularly $75) - FREE

Save $300



Price $1,500



Take The BIG Test With Confidence

  • Two Convenient Payments ($600 X 2)
  • FPLA - Certified Tutors
  • 5 Weeks
  • 10hr of Math
  • 10hr of Language
  • 1hr/day; 4 days/week;
    (20 days)
  • 2 Practice Exams
  • Overview of the test
  • Teach Test Taking Strategies, Teach Subject Content
  • Practice, Review, Feedback
  • Registration Fee (Regularly $50) - FREE
  • Test Administration Fee (Regularly $75) - FREE

Frequently Asked Questions

How the test is scored?

How long is the test?

What is the purpose of the test?

Where do I take the test?

Do I need an appointment to take this test?

What is the difference between the computer adaptive and paper-based test?

As Seen On

As seen on SCD
As seen on DTL

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We Are Here For You & For Your Child!

Book a meeting NOW with the center director to help your child train for the upcoming standardized tests and succeed inside and outside the classroom.