Resolutions for the new semester and ways to accomplish them


Winter break is one of the best times of the school year; it’s two weeks of not having to worry about tests, homework, or waking up early for classes. You just get to stay in bed for as long as you want while Christmas movies are playing in the background! Let’s not forget the sweets, decorations, and joy of the holidays.

But you can also use your time wisely to begin preparing for the next semester of the school year!

Think about it: you don’t have any responsibilities in this two-week break. Why not start planning your resolutions for the new year while organizing your academic priorities?

It doesn’t have to be unrealistic; for example, you don’t have to promise yourself to get straight ‘A’s, while volunteering at every single nonprofit organization you can think of, running for president of the Student Council, and participating in every sport. Just think of a few sections of your academic life you’d like to improve.

Here Are a Few Ideas To Start You Off:

  • If you have received a C in class, go in with the mindset of getting a B for the next semester; the same goes if you’d like to ace the course you got a B in. Your GPA will improve, and so will your academic confidence!
  • Do you struggle in some classes? Make some time to visit your teacher or learning center. This shows you are working extra hard to understand the material, and you might find new ways to learn the topic. Wake up a bit earlier to get to school or stay a bit late. It’ll make all the difference when completing your homework. Even if you do not want to step out of your home, take the help of online tutoring.
  • Maybe you’d like to be more involved in extracurricular activities. Join a club! This will give you some time to get closer to your peers while also adding some experience to your resume.

Everyone has their own resolutions, so feel free to add on more! To accomplish these goals, you will have to prepare yourself and your surroundings to be efficient.

Here Are Some Ways To Can Do This:

  • Buy an agenda: having an agenda will allow you to schedule your days accordingly, as well as keep a note of what you have to do. This will help you manage your time efficiently, as you can track what homework you need to do and when to do it, especially if you plan on being more involved in your school
  • Plan a day of each week to take a break: school is overwhelming, especially if you are trying to improve your academic status. It is important you schedule in a day to unwind and do something you want. For example, if you have a week with multiple tests daily, take that Friday to treat yourself to your favorite snack, a movie, and make plans with your friends for the night. Remembering to honor your mental health will also improve your productivity.
  • Reorganize your backpack: they get messy. Sometimes papers get shoved in instead of being put in folders, the same goes with pencils and other stuff. Make sure to throw away any unnecessary papers, broken items, etc. Going in with an organized book bag will make it easier for you to be productive.
  • Buy new school supplies: it’s better to walk into the new semester with your school supplies replenished because you will be excited to use your new notebooks, pencils, and so forth to study more.

Having goals and being organized help make education a bit more fun. You can work on your tasks how and when you want to, and who knows you might even be rewarded for your improvement!

About US:

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FPLA is Miami’s premier tutoring center in reading, math, science, and test preparation programs. You can realize your dreams with the help of FPLA’s time-tested and dependable one-on-one tutoring both onsite and online. At FPLA, we encourage your child to aspire to a bright future by empowering them with academic and life skills in a positive learning environment that is equipped with a variety of learning resources.


Monday through Thursdays 2:15 PM to 8:15 PM, Fridays 3:00 PM to 7:30 PM and Saturdays 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Call  NOW to get the support your child needs:305-826-1896